Registration fee (one-time fee) $25.00
Tuition per class $50.00
Total per year (8 classes for 1 year) $400.00
Total for entire degree program (total of 32 classes) $1600.00
Graduation fees $500.00


Information is subject to change. Books and other fees are not included in the chart above. We make it our business to give you a quality education at an affordable price.

Tuition payment plans are available. The Holy Light College of Bible’s policy is that we do not allow students with outstanding balances to register for classes until balances have been paid or do not exceed over $50.00. All balances over $50.00 will be in Financial Probation Status. In Financial Probation, the student will not be eligible for registration or attend classes during the upcoming quarter until balances have been paid or until it meets the maximum of $50.00. After each quarter the student will be sent a financial statement with all transactions made during the quarter for the student’s records.


Holy Light College of Bible is a religious institution exempt from state regulation and oversight in the Commonwealth of Virginia.